April is here and Earth Day is right around the corner. This annual event is a reminder that we need to take care of our planet so it continues to take care of us. Here is a list of ways you can contribute this Earth Day.
Volunteer to clean up at a local park
You can assist with trash pickup, raking, weeding, or removing sticks. Madison area parks will supply gloves, garbage bags and rakes to volunteers.
Click Here and Here to find out more.
Organize a cleanup. Get a group together to clean up your local park, schoolyard or beach.
Make a recycling plan. Learn what you can and can’t recycle. Then start separating out those cans and bottles!
Plant a tree. Simple. Effective. Easy!
Find a carpool service. Find people in your area to share morning and afternoon commutes with.
Give up bottled water. Get yourself a refillable and permanent water bottle to carry with you. Not only is it good for the environment, you will save money on the cost of all those water bottles too!
Start buying local. Locally grown food is easier on the environment. You will also be supporting local farmers, and they’ll thank you for it!
Go paperless. Bills come in many forms, but mostly on paper. Did you know many bill-paying services offer an option to pay online? Make a point to go paperless this Earth Day.
Walk or bike to school or work. It keeps you out of the car, and its great exercise
Earth Day is Friday, April 22nd.