Looking for Black Friday Shopping Success?
With Black Friday coming up we thought we would share our top 5 suggestions for having a successful shopping experience:
1. Research the deals first: Prior to Black Friday we recommend educating yourself on the current deals for the items you want and which places are offering the best deals. Familiarize yourself with the stores you need to go to and what deals they are advertising.
2. Check reviews: If you know what you are looking to purchase that day then make sure you have already checked reviews on these items and on the retailers. This will help prevent you from the unexpected events or defects causing you to return an item and lose the sale price.
3. Bring snacks and water: We all know that Black Friday is exhausting and an energy sucker. Bring snacks and water that you can consume without having to wait in the dreadful lines for food. This will keep you energized and will give you one less thing to wait for.
4. Wear appropriate clothing and shoes: This should be a no-brainer but we recommend dressing as comfortable as possible. Make sure to bring something warm if you are planning on doing an early-bird special but wear comfortable shoes because you will likely stand for long periods of time in lines. Black Friday is not the day you want to try out those new kitten heeled boots you bought!
5. Make a list and schedule: Make a list of all of the items, the location where you will go for them, the special being offered and schedule which spot you will go to first. This will make you prepared and will ease the stress of the Black Friday madness.
Written By: LeighAnn Cook