T.R. McKenzie is excited to be part of NBC15’s Share Your Holidays to Eliminate Hunger campaign again this year. Several of our properties are currently collecting non-perishable food items to donate to this campaign to help struggling families in our community, and the greater southern Wisconsin region through Second Harvest Foodbank. Most needed items include: beans, cereal, cooking oil, cornmeal, flour, fruit (canned in 100% juice), milk, peanut butter, jelly, pasta, rice, dried spices, tortillas, tuna, and canned vegetables. You can also donate non-food items like baby wipes, bar soap, deodorant, diapers, laundry detergent, liquid dish soap, paper tows, toilet paper, and toothbrushes.
Here are the collection areas and deadlines at our properties.
Oakbridge Court:
Donation bin is located outside of the Leasing Office door in building 33. Donations will be collected through December 2nd 2019.
Lamplighter Apartments:
Donation bins are located in each building near the mailboxes. Donations will be collected through December 2nd, 2019.
Stone Creek, Shadow Creek, and Stone Creek Gardens:
Donation bin is located outside of the Leasing Office door in the clubhouse. Donations will be collected through December 1st, 2019.
Aspen Hill Apartments:
Donation bin is located outside of the Leasing Office door in building 1910. Donations will be collected through December 5th, 2019.
Wexford Place and Silverstone Apartments:
Donation bin is located in the clubhouse at Wexford Place. Donations will be collected through November 29th, 2019.
Ten35 West Apartments:
Donation bin is located outside of the Leasing Office door in building1035. Donations will be collected through December 1st, 2019.
If you are interested in donating cash, NBC15 has made it easy for you. Click here to make a cash donation. For ever $1 donated, up to three meals are provided to adults, children, and seniors who struggle with hunger.
If you are not able to donate this year, you can still help out by participating in their Social Media Blitz on Thursday, November 21st. Print the “Social Media Blitz Sign” at this link and post on social media using the hashtag #SYH24.
Thank you to all of our residents who decide to participate!