We are excited to announce that our golf outing is back! Join us on August 26th for our 3rd Annual Charity Golf Outing benefiting the UW Carbone Cancer Center in honor of T.R. McKenzie’s founder, Tim McKenzie. Invite your friends, family, and co-workers for a day of golf with food, drinks, raffles, games, and prizes. Players of all skill levels are welcome. We will be taking any necessary health and safety precautions for COVID-19 per the CDC guidelines in August 2021.
Help us reach our goal of $25,000 for the UW Carbone Cancer Center that touches so many lives across Wisconsin and the Midwest.
Pleasant View Golf Course, 1322 Pleasant View Road, Middleton, WI 53562
Thursday, August 26th, 2021
8:30 – Registration Begins
10:00am – Shotgun Start
11:30-1:00pm – Lunch at the Turn
2:30pm – Social Hour at Clubhouse
3:30pm – Prizes
Registration Fees:
Foursome Registration: $500
Registration includes: 18 holes of golf, lunch, 2 drink tickets, swag bag, and award ceremony.
Sponsorship Opportunities:
Hole Sponsor: $350
Company logo displayed on hole and opportunity to setup sponsor table at the hole.
Game Sponsor: $500
Company logo displayed at one of our six games located on the course. Bring and staff your own game or bring one of ours. Game sponsors get complimentary Yeti mug from TRM.
Foursome + Hole Sponsor: $800
Registration for a foursome, as well as hole sponsorship described above.
Cart & Scorecard Sponsor: $1,750
Company logo displayed on the inside of all golf carts used in the outing.
Appetizer Sponsor: $1,750
Company logo displayed at appetizer table.
Lunch Sponsor: $2,500
Company logo displayed at the lunch location.
Presenting Sponsor (Sold)
Company logo displayed on welcome signage for event, scorecard, and schedule distributed to all participants. Also includes foursome registration.
Prize Table/Raffle Gift Donation
Donate a gift to be part of our prize table or raffle.
Registration Deadline:
August 11, 2021
To purchase tickets, sponsor, or donate, visit our event page on Eventbrite or contact ellen@trmckenzie.com or brea@trmckenzie.com for registration information.
Or click here to download our registration form and send in by mail: T.R. McKenzie Inc., 1910 Hawks Ridge Drive, Suite 322, Verona, WI 53593.